Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Who Determines the What, How and Where

This title is another way of saying that your relationship will determine your future. You’ve heard of the popular saying: tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. Your relationships matter a lot in you’re your life, that’s why I dedicated a whole blog for it- You will get more details about how to have a good relationship, make it work and last long there. Back to our topic. Your relationship adds or subtracts to your life. Every relationship is a withdrawal or deposit in your life. Good relationship is a withdrawal, while bad relationship is a deposit in your life.

No man is an island is another popular saying which specifies that it is not easy to make it alone in this world. We need ourselves. You need people in your life. You can’t make it alone. But you need the right set of people in your life. With the right people, you will succeed in life, you will go far and you will get a lot of the good things of life. That is what I mean that the who in your life will determine the what you will get from life, determine the how you will get it and where you will go to get it. If you mix up with bad people you’ll end your life in misery and despair. As the Holy Book says bad company corrupts good manners.

With the right people you will make it. You need people who will support you, encourage you and criticize you if the need arises. You need mentors in your life. Seek out people of good character, people who have succeeded in the area of life you want to succeed. You can these people among close associates or outsiders. They could be your parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, colleagues, classmates, etc. Seek for advice, guidance or direction from these people. But check that the advice is in consonance with your principles and belief and then do the right thing. You will surely succeed.

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