Saturday, May 1, 2010

Do You Know You

You are a truly unique individual. The holy Book tells us that you are wonderfully and fearfully made. Do you know that? Well check it out in….. God loves you that much that he has to take time to mould you. Again out of the million sperms that started the race of life only you survived, is that not something. Oh! Yes it is. The re is only one you in the whole world. There is no replica of you anywhere in the world. What’s more there can never be another you ever again. Are you getting the picture, of who you really are? Sometimes there’s this temptation of comparing yourself to other people, their achievements, their accomplishments. You shouldn’t do that. You know why, because you are unique, you are different; God has a unique plan for you, just for you. And it is different from other people’s plan. You are here for a purpose.

So stop feeling discouraged about your looks, your progress, your success, when you compare yourself to others, infact don’t ever measure your self by other people’s standard. Rather you measure you success by thy how much you are walking in God’s will for your life, think on how much you are fulfilling your destiny. Refuse absolutely to compete or compare yourself with other people. Focus on your dreams, learn from your past not someone else’s. Dream of a beautiful future for yourself. Celebrate your uniqueness, enjoy your life very well and live it to the fullest. That way you will fulfil your destiny using your God-given talents, attributes and abilities. Go on and live a wonderful life.

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