Saturday, May 8, 2010

Power of Influence - Who is Influencing You?

I challenge you to start thinking about some of the major influences you have had in your life so far. As long as you have friends, family, you work or are involved in your community in some way, you will be open to the influence of others. The challenge is to analyse who or what is influencing you, and what are they creating in you?

Our beliefs or actions can be influenced in many different ways. Watching, listening, studying or experiencing the results that certain behaviours generate will affect how you see things consciously and subconsciously.

I find it interesting to think about how I have been influenced by the different events of my life. We are taking in extraordinary amounts of information every day. As long as you are talking to others, listening to others, watching television, reading newspapers, surfing the Internet, calling your friends, reading literature, experiencing life in general, you cannot escape the information that is flowing around you.

Information is interesting, as we often assume that what is said or written is true. We need the ability to distinguish between what is opinion and what is fact.

How do we filter that information, to only use the information that is going to help you achieve your goals? How do you decipher between what is useful information and what is potentially harmful information?

Ask yourself what or who are some of the influences that you have had in your life? What beliefs do you hold, or what actions have you taken as a result of these influence?

Here are the philosophies I have developed around listening to the opinion of others:

- I only wish to take the advice of those who have already achieved what I am aiming to achieve.
- Be mindful when participating in office chit-chat, networking events, dinner parties and family events: one needs an ability to distinguish between fact and opinion.
- Surround yourself with a team of professionals with the validated experience and knowledge to help you achieve your goals.

Self-development is also a powerful influence; here are my philosophies on self-development:

- Read at least one self-development book per month (ideally one per week).
- With knowledge, motivation and action, anything is possible.
- Learn by studying how other successful people have achieved their results.

It has been said that the books you read and who you associate with is a reflection of where you will be in five years time.

One challenge I set you is to minimise the amount of news you watch. Next time you watch a news broadcast, take note of the percentage of stories that are about death, destruction and despair. Be open minded about what value it is bringing to you. People have said to me, but I should know about what is going on in the world. Yes, that may be true, however my challenge is that why do I only have to know about what bad things are happening in the world? If you like the news, make sure you even out what information you are feeding your mind before you go to sleep at night. Have a motivational book by your bedside and read a few chapters or a few pages before you go to sleep.

Suzie Crawford specializes in teaching people how to achieve their financial and lifestyle goals, based on her own personal success. Register here for free 8-week online Training Program PLUS receive bonuses to the value of $162.

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