Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Summary of the Book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” by Marie Kondo

Everyone want a clean and tidy home. But it is not an easy fit to accomplish. Most times, our rooms gets disorganised minutes, hours or if you are lucky, days after a major clean up. It makes everyone happy to be in a clean and well-organised surroundings. If you live alone you could probably get away with cleaning your house once a month, but that’s not usually the reality. This is the reason that Marie Kondo, a cleaning consultant from Japan wrote her bestselling book, the Life-Changing Magic of tidying up. This book has helped millions of people to know how to tidy their homes and offices easily. The three things make most family houses less than tidy, and require them to be cleaned on a regular basis are pets, elderly people and children. Pets always make a mess, keeping their food particles and litter to a minimum can be very challenging. Elderly people can make a mess too. As we all know old people make a mess, there’s no way around it; we’ll all be there someday. And kids; being who they are, make a lot of mess. In fact, if they do not make a mess, we’ll be worried if they are ok. These three major things make keeping a house clean and tidy very difficult but Marie says keeping your house neat should be an event, and provides an easy way out. If you are not willing to keep things in order, your own home could probably appear to be a place in which a bomb went off currently. With regards to cleaning the home, many human beings can end up overwhelmed and annoyed with just the idea of it. This makes them to shudder at the concept of cleansing and to position it off longer, making the activity even more difficult than it was initially. Again most people don't have quite a piece of extra free time. You do not need to spend a while cleaning up while you'll as a substitute be doing different things. That’s why Marie says that you ought to be nicely put together and get dressed for the occasion of cleansing. Be comfortable, she says, however, take it very seriously. There are things that you can do that will help you clean up your home much faster. According to Marie Kondo, what you first need to do is to declutter as much as possible. This means taking all your stuff and sorting through them. Get rid of the things that you don't really need. If you look around your room, there are just extras that you don't need to be holding onto which are taking up space. With less stuff around the house, it's much easier to take care of everything like you need to. After decluttering, which Marie’s book gives a perfect explanation of how to do it, you now rearrange the items in your house. After which it is now easier to clean up your home. To do this, you can pick a day to do all the harder chores like disinfecting and scrubbing of the lavatories, the scrubbing of the flooring, cleaning the kitchen walls and most possibly emptying out the fridge of the week's scraps. A house that is cluttered and dirty gives depression to it's occupants. Living in a clean environment makes a huge difference in the world in how you feel. Life at home is much easier when you can find things easily and the house looks and smells nice. You should not dread house cleaning, you can get it done by remaining organized. Try to organize your home a bit better than it currently is. If you have a meaningful organizational arrangement and is followed, there won't be as much time dedicated to keeping everything clean. Try to put things away after you get them out. If you are constantly doing this, there is very little chance that you will have to do any major cleaning. This doesn't take much time at all. The book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo is an international bestseller. Her biograpghy in Amazon.com states that her book is the number one on the New York Times bestsellers list and has sold over three million copies. It is also the number one in Amazon in the books category. Due to this book, she was named as one of Time Magazine's Most Influential people in 2015. The book has five chapters with different sections in each chapter, all dealing on cleaning and decluttering your home.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Power of Positive Attitude I

Attitude is generally the way you feel about things, people and especially events that happen to and around you. To understand attitude lets take this scenario.

I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative?

Now let's say you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you think anyone who would meet you would be able to tell you what’s on your mind?

The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be pretty generic. Although people will not be able to tell you exactly what you think, they will more or less have an idea of how you are feeling.

Here's another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen?

You know what? The answer to all these depends on your frame of mind.

Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your appearance, too – unless, of course, you are a great actor.

And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also affect people around you.

The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.

Positive thoughts have a fulfilling effect. They are admittedly invigorating. Plus, the people around the person carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.

Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.

A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Meaning of Life, To Be Happy and A Heist of Who You Are and 4 Ways to Protect Yourself

Carl came to my office with a broken heart, empty of meaning and happiness. His lover had just walked out of his life. He said, "Dr Bob, I feel like someone stuck a sharp knife in my guts and I have leaked out."

It turned out that Carl had been done over as his former lover simply, out of the blue, began to ignore him. They were co-workers and saw each other every day. And if she could not ignore him, she surely made remarks in front of other people that crushed Carl's emotional state. In other words, she did everything in her power to see that Carl had his happiness and meaning ripped away from him. He was a victim of self-identity-theft.

We usually think of identity theft as when someone else takes over your identity in order to steal using your name and vital statics. This is, of course, maddening and frustrating and extremely involved. But I am suggesting a different view of identity theft. The heist of who you are. In childhood we might see this as when care givers, whether parents or older siblings, demean a small child and the child never gets to discover how wonderful she or he really is as they grow up. Often this means an inferiority complex that hampers adulthood. In effect this is theft of their Self-identity.

There are more potential thieves. There are folks who intentionally snub others because of their supposed social position. There are those who deliberately intimidate others for their own sadistic needs. Even some who use character assassination as their weapon of choice.

When any of these are happening to you, it is more difficult to maintain a steady center of happiness and meaning. Why? Because your very right to be happy and find meaning is called into question by these tactics.

To maintain your solid center of happiness and meaning, you need to cultivate a place within yourself that produces such things as self-encouragement, self-regard, self-fulfillment self-contentment.

You need an identity that is un-destroyable. You need to build for yourself an identity that no one and no event can ruin.

You need a personality that contains self-knowledge, encouragement, self-respect and self-contentment.

Carl and I looked at these four individually and collectively.

You need, first, to understand who you are. By this I mean much more than your name. You need a sense of meaning in and for your life. "You are a child of the Universe." However else you may or may not think of God, you are a child, a direct descendant, of the vastness, beauty and power of the Universe. You, yes, you are needed by the Universe so that It experiences all it can. You are a special agent of the Cosmos. No one can experience anything just like you do.

This was a singular revelation for Carl. He had never thought of himself with that much meaning in his life. I would say, now remembering the scene, that Carl's face changed in his moment of realization about his place in the Creation.

A great time to move on to the second item in identity Self-defense. Carl opened himself to his connection with the Universe. From acknowledgment he knew he must love and respect himself. That love respect did not dependent upon how anyone else saw him. Or what anyone else thought of him.

Many will say that this is conceit. A healthy esteem and a deep affection for one's self is quite important. Conceit is excessive self regard; that is, a feeling about yourself that is does not match the facts in any way. Self-esteem, however, is like saying to your Self, "I am needed by the Universe." You construct this by prompting yourself often that you are a progeny of the Cosmos. That you experience on behalf of the Cosmos.

Then, third, Carl needed to fulfill his own meaning and happiness. In other words, you need to do something in the physical world to show, to yourself, for yourself, what you know is true about you, that you are a child of the Universe. You need to beam who you are into the world by being of help, encouragement, inspiration to others. Notwithstanding what others may think.

By this time Carl had captured the idea. He knew who he was, he could have self-respect, and he needed to fulfill himself by being of aid to others. At this point, then, I introduced the fourth component of Carl's revised outlook on his life.

Contentment is the fourth component, specifically Self-contentment. All of us need to be able to look at ourselves in any particular single moment and be contented in that moment. This is living in the moment. Your history may be rough. You may eagerly look to the future to improve. But you must, must look at this moment and see yourself as complete. You have done your very best to get "here." You will strive tomorrow to get further. But your moment is this one. You are perfect "now."

When you wish to have a safe identity with all the happiness and life meaning that contains, (1) develop self-identity apart from others. Foster (2) self-respect within yourself. Fulfill (3) yourself and your identity by improving the condition of others. Content (4) yourself in this moment.

I invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to Dr. Bob's Resources and a monthly newsletter: "The Force-Source-Resource." You will find more about yourself and the meaning of your life. Just Click Here. Remember, one bit of information can give save you a lifetime of satisfaction.

Sometimes called the "Maven of Meaning" and the "harbinger of Happiness"

My blog is http://themeaningoflifewithdrbob.com/blog

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Robert_Henry_Schwenk

Monday, September 6, 2010

You are Amazing

I got this article from one of the newsletters I subcribed to and I thought you will be blessed and motivated by it as I was. It all goes to show what I've been telling you all this while about yourself, you are the best. Hope you it enjoy it.

YOU ARE AMAZING! (And I Can Prove It)-By Michael Murphy
Has anyone told you lately that you are truly amazing? Probably not unless you are one of the very blessed few who have at least one powerful encourager in your life that truly does care about you. I was 6 feet tall when I was in the 7th grade. I weighed all of 140 lbs. Skinny doesn't begin to describe it. Toothpick would come a little closer. With the unruly and wiry hair that I tried to grow long and fight to keep straight, most of my friends called me 'Q-tip.' You can imagine how that did wonders for my self esteem. Yeah, not much. I was reminded by my father that I wasn't planned when I was born. I guess not. Three kids in LESS THAN three years. My brother was 2 years old, about to turn 3. My sister was 1 year old, 9 days before she turned 2. My father suffered most of his life with what we now know as bi-polar disorder. Major moods swings and a plethora of attitudes that did not serve in my best interest (or anyone else's for that matter.) He constantly reminded me that I was an "accident" and with the constant psychological abuse that he put on me, I felt more like an intruder on this planet than a little boy. As I got older and begin to discover personal development and what it could do for me to heal my past and create my future, I begin to develop new beliefs about myself. What I discovered changed my life. I discovered that the facts proved that I was not an "accident", but indeed, my life was/is a miracle.
I discovered through reading personal development books that the chances that I was ever conceived to begin with were tens of millions to one. In fact, I learned that I had beaten out somewhere between 10 and 90 million other 'seeds' that were all vying to fertilize one egg. Tens of millions of potential suitors and only one was going to get a date. In fact, the others were going to die. It wasn't just a race and competition for affection. It was a battle for life. Stop and think about this. If any other seed had fertilized that one egg, neither you nor I would be here right now. Ever wonder why you've always felt ''special''? Maybe you felt ''lucky''? Well, you gained access into the inner sanctum to fertilize the egg and millions others died off who didn't make it. I don't know about you, but that fact alone makes me feel pretty amazing! Now I'm not asking to you believe in some kind of esoteric, metaphysical or spiritual concept. I'm sharing this as an established fact. Go check out these stats with a medical doctor. Now, if those odds haven't made you feel as amazing as they make me feel, then think about this. Go back 5 generations in your family. That would be to a great-great-great grandparent. Having extensive genealogy records for my family, I know who my great-great-great grandfather was and where he was born. He was born in 1795 in Kentucky. Just 18 years after our country declared its independence. He met his wife by some set of circumstances, which I'm not aware of. Nonetheless, just imagine your own experience, or perhaps that of your parents (or grandparents) and know that the odds weren't good that he and this particular woman got together. Now add to the equation that the odds that they ever conceived and had the particular child that they had, were also in the 1 in several millions odds. Now, THAT child grew up and met someone else and the process goes on and on. My point? Imagine the odds that you ever arrived here on this planet. Trillions to one. Your life is amazing. You may not feel like it. You may feel the lowest emotions that a human can feel. Nonetheless, the FACT remains that YOU ARE A MIRACLE!!! Perhaps in another article, I'll get into to the amazing biological, skeletal/muscular make up of your body (which is itself a miracle.) For right now, just allow yourself to consider and deeply think about, how YOU got HERE. You, my dear friend, are no accident. You are amazing! You were a miracle the day you began your existence on this planet. And, you still are. Most people are never taught to love themselves. Most people are never taught to really understand how awesome they really are. Through a lot of emotional and psychological damage that we get from very ill informed sources in this world, we never face the REALITY of who and what we really are. I'm here, telling you, YOU ARE AMAZING! I know it. You have talents, skills, intelligence and heart to do miracles in your own life. You have potential that you haven't even begun to tap into its power. You've likely either forgotten or, you never knew how the facts that supports you as being a phenomenal being. Take some time today and think about what I've shared with you here. Think about the dreams, hopes, desires and incredible vision inside of your mind. I'm not asking you to ''believe'' anything. I'm just giving you the FACTS. You are amazing! You can do, be and have more than you've ever dreamed possible. Let yourself awakened to the TRUTH about you. Get your dreams off of the shelf and dust them off. Let them live again in your heart, soul and mind. Keep believing that you can and will accomplish them. Then, expect them and watch your awesome life unfold.
Michael Murphy is an author, speaker and coach. His mission in this world is to encourage others to live their dreams and live their potential. His books, "Powerful Attitudes" and "Powerfirmations" have been acclaimed, praised and promoted by best selling authors and personal development superstars. You can go visit his website at http://www.positiveattitudes.com and see YOUR NAME in his book for free.